Les Paul, known as the “Godfather of the Modern Recording Studio”, invented many things that changed the way music is recorded, played, and heard:
Solid-body electric guitar: Paul designed the Gibson Les Paul and the SG electric guitar.Â
Multi-track recording: Paul pioneered multi-track recording techniques, which began the modern era of audio recording.
Sound-on-sound recording: Paul introduced sound-on-sound recording, also known as overdubbing.
Echo chambers: Paul provided direction for the design of Capitol Records’ echo chambers, which are still used by today’s top recording artists.Â
Harmonica holder: Paul invented an around-the-neck harmonica holder so he could play the guitar and harmonica without touching the harmonica.
Les Paulverizer: Paul designed the Les Paulverizer to demonstrate the sound-on-sound technique live.
Tape machine: Paul invented the first tape machine.
Digital delay: Paul invented digital delay.
Reverb: Paul invented reverb… and more